Dear pilgrim,
This is not another devotional book to read, it is a pilgrimage to be walked.
Here are 7 Steps for how to read this pilgrimage guide:
ON YOUR OWN . . . “Here I am.”
1. Watch the film GODSPEED at (possibly with others considering the pilgrimage)
2. Pick an accessible path, and commit to walking (at least) 15 minutes each day.
3. Prepare for your 40 day pilgrimage start date by first reading the Introduction: pages 1-21.
4. Starting on a Sunday, read Day 1 of the Bible Path, and be sure to walk your Parish Path.
5. Take notes & draw pictures in the margins.
WITH OTHERS . . . “Here WE are.”
6. Ask a friend, family member, or church small group to begin their own backyard pilgrimage.
7. 4 Backyard Pilgrim Questions – Gather weekly to ask:
What was your favorite Bible Path verse & why?
What key question arose from the Bible readings?
What is one story from your Parish Path walk?
What is this pilgrimage helping you see about God, your neighbor, & yourself?
Matt Canlis
P.S. In medieval times pilgrims often travelled in groups, partly to protect against bandits, but also because of the transforming power of community. Personal growth and lasting change come not only from saying “Here I am” to God, but also saying “Here we are” together with others. May you find the balance of knowing both the goodness of solitude with God, and solidarity with others.